Tuesday, January 27, 2009

High school sports are fun!

Watching a high school sport is something everyone should try at least once in his or her life. I am not saying people have to go and watch everything just pick an event and go watch your team compete.
Some sports are much more watched than others. I have been to some games that didn’t have any fans and I have seen the gymnasium full at a boys’ basketball game between Belleville and Ypsilanti High.
A lot of the people go to the games to watch the sport but there are just as many there for the social aspect of the game. People like to come out and socialize. The games give them a chance, or I should say a reason to do just that.
I like high school sports which is good because if I didn’t it would make it awfully difficult to report on them. I don’t always look for the best players or the person who scores the most points. There are many good stories out there that haven’t been told about the person who just made the team or maybe the player who comes out for the first time and doesn’t see much game action but is as important to the team as any of the starters.
This area has a lot of talent and the student athletes all have a lot of potential. I know everyone wants to make the pros or would love to get the scholarship to college. But realistically it isn’t possible for that to happen for too many players.
The chance that there is a possibility to make it to the next level is what I think drives a lot of these athletes on. It makes them work harder and better to become that person who stands out in a crowd. I have watched thousands of kids play high school sports and seen only a few make to college on a full-ride.
Those I have seen have been pretty special and they have worked very hard. There is always someone out there that will take your spot if you don’t make it academically or don’t work as hard as you can on and off the field.
Just because a college coach or recruiter is looking at you doesn’t mean you can ease up or give it any less. Think about it. If you give less someone else will be more than happy to take your place. Wrestling is one of those sports that you really have to have a passion for to enjoy. It is a tough, grueling sport that puts you one-on-one with an opponent of equal or very close to equal weight. You battle and in the end the other person to blame for a win or loss is you. I want to thank Vera Cigan for soem recent wrestling photos as well as anyone who wants to submit things for me to put in the paper.
I will be doing a story in the very near future about the Gold family from Belleville High School fame. I talked to all four boys in the family and their mother. What a great group of people. I trully loved talking with them and would love to meet them in person some day. Thanks for reading and let me know your thoughts and ideas for the future. Email me at dmerchant@heritage.com.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

High school sports are definitely fun. However, I just came from the regional final game between Clarkston and Pontiac Northern with a somewhat more dissappointing feeling. Not because my team, the Huskies, were beaten, because they lost to the better team, acknowledged. The fans of the Wolves were unbelievably obnoxious and spewed vile comments at the floor on almost every play. Fouls against them were booed. No calls were booed. I heard many bad slurs hurled toward Huskies players. I definitely thought a so-called knowledgable fan base as theirs would behave with more class. I even heard for the ejection of a Northern player with less than 10 seconds to go in the game and the outcome no longer in doubt. It was as if they wanted some sort of punishment doled out onto the Huskies. And no, it's not the case where a few fans made them all look bad, there were a lot of them. Come on Clarkston, your kids deserve much better than this. They are a very good group of kids and don't need their supporters to behave this way. I wish the team good luck as they move on. The fans, not so much.